Friday, November 30, 2012

Resturant review

Sin City Review

My partner David and I chose to eat at Sin City, it is located down town on 3rd street. It is a rather small, local restaurant. According to our server the restaurant has only been open for two years. We rated the restaurant by its atmosphere, cleanliness, food, and prices.

When you first walk in, you right away get the feeling of relaxing because there is a big, odd shaped, purple seating area and a small black couch with golden throw pillows, also making a friendly, house warming atmosphere. As you walk further in to the right there is a small bar and to the left some tables, even further there are booths, where we choose to sit. Our server was friendly and attentive. When we arrived in the afternoon, there were only a few other customers. Sin City is very modern in décor, also it had a few TV’s and a game section including a pool table ect. Along with the restaurants modern looks it was kept up and clean.

The restaurant was very clean. Tables and everywhere else, and to us, if it is kept clean where customers are then it must mean then it must also be clean on the inside in the kitchen area. The food great, when we arrived we asked our server for an opinion on what item was best on the menu and we were recommended a very good meal. Both David and I picked the same burger and we both thought it was delicious. For me of course it was far too much so I had to ask for a to-go box. While we were there we bumped into some school friends so we had an enjoyable time.

As for the price we had different opinions, I didn’t think it was too bad because the food was really good and also it was a large size. For David on the other hand, he believed it was rather pricy. Of course I think this difference is because I’m a girl and I he’s a guy, most guys eat far more than girls, also the way we saw proportion was different. It is all in the way you see it, so on the price, it would depend if you think 10 bucks for a big sized burger and fries is too much. 

Overall, we would recommend the restaurant to anyone who has an appetite for good burgers and a good time with friends. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best there is, we would give a nine, because Sin City was without a doubt a good place to eat and relax and its cleanliness and good service. A ten would be for a high class, fine dining sort of restaurant.

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