Friday, November 30, 2012

Tempal good or bad

Loud music then a girl comes on the screen and introduces her-self. Her name is Temple. We still haven’t got the volume turn down yet. Temple walks off screen, and blades of an airplane come on the screen along with Temple whom is getting off an airplane very slowly. She looks around and she can see flames coming from the ground that is how hot it is. She finally is off the plane and she walks up to a lady who seems to be waiting for her. They get in a pickup and drive to the lady’s house that seems to be Temple’s aunt. They arrive on a ranch as they drive up Temple has to get out of the truck to open a gate so her aunt can drive the truck through. Temple then becomes fastened with the gate. She then begins to study how it moves. She builds a device that when you pull a rod it opens for an amount of time then it will close by itself.
The story begins with her arriving on her aunt’s farm and having a panic attack. Earlier in her day she had seen some cows go through a device that helps calm them while a rancher brans them. She runs out to this device and as she is running out there her aunt comes running too. Temple asks her aunt to close the device on her too like the cows. Surprisingly it calms her quickly. It like a hug without the physical contact of a human. Then it’s time for her to go to college. It has some flash backs of her in high school with her favorite teacher who happens to be a science teacher. She repeatedly tells everyone she doesn’t understand people that they confuse her. After she finally decided to go to college her mother takes her. When Temple sees she is to have a roommate and she isn’t there yet Temple wants to go home right away and has a panic attack again. When her roommate shows up she is in her homemade calming device. It freaks out the roommate and she tells the dean. They debate on if she should keep it. She does an experiment on if it helps other girls. She then puts herself in her studies as she studies cows and their behavior. She then starts her hands on studies at a slaughter farm. She rights many papers for her college. She then wants to continue her study of cows but they won’t let her on the property anymore. So she goes and gets a job at a newspaper. She becomes a cow reporter. Then she goes to an autism conference where they keep telling the mothers that they should send their children away to these mental hospitals. Temple specks out she tells them that if you just work with your children they cannot be cured but they can become a member of the community.
They actors and actress of this film, well the girl playing Temple was ok. She did a great job in some place but I didn’t really feel the sad, happy, or any emotion except the anger she did great at making the audience feel her anger. The mother was an ok actress she didn’t real show much emotion. The acting in this movie was low. There was barley any feeling in this movie, I think that the only reason any of the students stayed awake during the movie is because Temple yelled a lot so it keep scaring them awake. The story line was good but the actors and actress where not top of the list but they did well with what they had. They had low budget and not much of a script to move around with. All in all the acting was ok better than a high school play but not as good as a blockbuster.

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